Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Inter Religious Relations Courses

PEN's sister organisation, St Philip's Centre Leicester have asked us to publish a reminder of the courses; MA, Diploma, Certificate, they have on offer as they are recruiting now for courses beginning September 2012.

Living in a world of many faiths challenges us on many levels. How can we live together in a world of many religions and world views? Are religions on a global collision course? What does inter-religious dialogue mean? Explore these and other questions through part-time
postgraduate courses at St Philip’s Centre, 2A Stoughton Drive North, Leicester LE5 5UB

Who is it for?
Members of faith communities who have a practical or theoretical interest
in relations with people of different faiths; Those working for secular or religious agencies, private or public, where faith issues are significant; Specialist ministers in inter-faith relations; Anyone interested in extending their grasp of a lively field of enquiry

Library facilities
St. Philip’s Centre has an excellent library. Books can also be borrowed from De Montfort University. There is also an excellent library at the Islamic Foundation at Markfield. Membership of DMU library gives eligibility for membership of the SCONUL scheme, which affords borrowing rights for most university libraries in the UK.

Some bursary assistance may be available through St Philip’s Centre.
Please contact the Dean of Studies.

Dr Angela Jagger, Revd Canon Dr John Hall and Revd Canon Dr Alan Race, together with a number of other invited academics, deliver the teaching programme.

How to Apply
Application is made through the St Philip’s Centre. For further information and applications, please contact the Administrator/Registrar, Maureen Hebblewhite: admin@stphilipscentre.co.uk or Telephone: 0116 273 3459

Full details are on the St Philip's website
St Philip’s Centre is an Associate Partner with De Montfort University