Thursday, 22 March 2012

Peace Alliance - Exit Programme

The Peace Alliance is a National Charity working in partnership with local communities and statutory organisations to advance the protection and preservation of life through the reduction of crime and the promotion for the public benefit of community safety and crime prevention. The charity has in depth knowledge of issues around youth offending and subsequent underachieving having worked extensively with offenders and ex-­‐offenders, young people, youth offending teams, schools, colleges and the Police.

Peace Alliance is aware that young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and some from the BME community are often underrepresented in mainstream volunteering and skills based training opportunities. They aim to provide opportunities for volunteering, mentoring and skills based training in preparation for employment and to foster improved social cohesion and a sense of belonging.

March sees the launch of The EX-IT Programme
Building on the success of the Young Peace Champions initiative, Exit is a new and exciting programme that seeks to change mindsets, build confidence, develop critical skills and create economic opportunities for NEETs, ex‐offenders and long term welfare recipients. Exit aims to transform people’s lives, (re)integrate individuals into work and society, reduce levels of crime and reoffending, and (re)build understanding and commitment to active upright citizenship. The beneficiaries of the programme are among the most disadvantaged and marginalised individuals in London.

In the year from March 2012 to March 2013 Peace Alliance is looking to target a total of 150 participants for the Ex-It programme. The goal is for Exit to draw on participants and work placement sponsors from every London borough. Eventually, we see Exit growing into a national programme. For more information or to download the Ex-It Partnership Opportunities Document click here