Thursday, 8 November 2012

'Prison' - the play

Initiatives of Change present a showing of 'Prison' the one man play by Charlie Ryder
at The Initiatives of Change centre 24 Greencoat Place, Victoria, London SW1P 1RD
Date: Tuesday 20 November, 6.30 for 7pm (evening ends at 9pm)
Preceded by refreshments and followed by a Talkback panel discussion featuring:-
Charlie Ryder,
Micheal Kavanagh, Acting Head of Prison Chaplaincy
and Andrew Hillas, Assistant Chief Officer for Restorative Justice, London Probation Trust.
The Forum will be chaired by Anita Amendra, Sustainable Communities Project Manager, IofC UK.
RSVP to:  Tel: 020 7798 6000

Charlie Ryder is a Director, Producer, Filmmaker and Puppeteer. He currently works as an Outreach Worker at HMP Wormwood Scrubs Community Chaplaincy providing mentoring to support prisoners
on their release from prison.

The play is a true story told using puppetry, masks, physical theatre and dance to shine a light on his
eight months in prison after being involved in a violent protest against racism in October 1993. A moving performance depicting one man's traumatic story of prison.