Tuesday, 20 August 2013

In Our Time

An Exploration of the Dynamic Relationship between Christian Ecumenism and Inter
Religious Dialogue, its opportunities and challenges in the 21st Century

Thursday 12 September 2013, 11.00-16.00 at Heythrop College, 23 Kensington Square, London W8 5HN

Revd Dr Keith Clements;  
                                  Dr Anthony O’Mahony; 
                                                                 Professor Peter Riddell

The Ecumenical Movement “Oikumene” refers both to the unity of all Christians and also of the reconciliation of the whole created order. Christians are called to pray for unity, and work so that the prayer of Jesus might be fulfilled “that they may be one”. However, with some of the enthusiasm for Christian unity dimmed and with some theologians speaking of “an ecumenical winter”, there has been some suggestion that the ecumenical endeavour has moved on and inter religious dialogue has become the fresh urgency. This thinking, however, may be misplaced. Inter religious dialogue, far from replacing ecumenism, is in fact a dynamic expression of the ecumenical movement that seeks not only the unity of all Christians but the reconciliation of all creation to God.
In this day conference we shall be exploring this theme in greater depth. In particular we will consider the following questions:

  • What is distinctive about Christian ecumenism and why does it matter?
  • What does inter religious dialogue tell us about Christian (ecumenical) self-identity?
  • How does current Christian thinking develop and resource itself in a context that is both religiously plural and ecumenical?
  • How ecumenical approaches relate to bi-lateral dialogues between denominations and faiths.

For further information or to register your attendance, please contact Revd Peter Colwell peter.colwell@ctbi.org.uk